
Automate tasks so your agents can spend more time nurturing leads and less time ticking off repetitive to-do lists. Using our automation and workflow tools, it’s simple to streamline processes, identify conversation trends, and grow.


Available on these plans:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan
This feature is not available on your plan. Upgrade to the Growth plan for access.

Use triggers to automate workflows based on events. Automatically assign an Agent to a missed (or no-answer status) call. This keeps each of your Agents on top of missed calls.

How do I automate my workflows?

Flows → Triggers → Add Workflow → Create a Rule → Add Action


Tools for Success

Integrate today’s most popular CRM platforms, like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and more with your CTM account.. Once integrated, you can use triggers to send data from CTM directly into your CRM to give your agents a full view of your customer profiles.

What integrations are available to me?

Settings → Integrations 

Flows → Triggers → Add Workflow → Create a Rule → Add Action

Keyword Spotting

Available on these plans:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan


Identify words spoken during a conversation and automate actions based on those words with keyword spotting. It’s available in real time and post-activity.

How do I set up keyword spotting?

Using keyword spotting help you quickly gauge product interest. By creating keyword spotting rules based on product lines, managers can view the call log and identify which products or services the client is interested in, without needing to listen to the call recordings or read the transcript.

Keyword spotting is a great time-saving tool for managers–with it, they can quickly grasp what the call was about and automatically categorize it, which makes for easy reporting afterwards!


Available on this plan:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan
This feature is not available on your plan. Upgrade to the Connect plan for access.

Tools for Success

Know how to code? You can tailor the CTM platform to your own needs with lambda functions. Users familiar with JavaScript can write a lambda function to perform advanced actions in their CTM environment, like parsing data out of a text message for digestible data points.

How do I create a lambda function?


Text Message Campaigns

Let’s say an email campaign goes out, asking contacts to reply with information about themselves. Your company can then use this information for future marketing campaigns. If you want to parse the data sent in text messages for easier access, you can set up a lambda function to do so (or have us do it). Once the data is parsed, a trigger can populate custom fields on the contact activity with those parsed data points.

Flows → Lamdas → New Lamda

Flows → Triggers → Add Workflow → Create Rule → Add Action


Available on this plan:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan
This feature is not available on your plan. Upgrade to the Connect plan for access.

Webhooks allow applications that do not have a direct integration with CTM to communicate with one another. CTM can send and receive data through a webhook i.e.bidirectional communication. After setting up your webhook, you will use triggers to determine when the firing of the webhook happens.

Tell me more about the CTM Webhooks integration

Flows → Webhooks → New Webhook

Flows → Triggers → Add Workflow → Create Rule → Add Action

API Logs

Available on this plan:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan
This feature is not available on your plan. Upgrade to the Connect plan for access.

API logs can be used to troubleshoot any issues with webhooks, lambdas, and many other integrations within CTM. The ten most recent API activities should be in the log with information about that activity, such as Response Code, Date and Time, Request URL and the Source of the request. Click the “+” button for more information about the request and to help you troubleshoot. You can even run your own test by using the toolbar at the top of the page to select Response Codes, Source, and even a Call from your activity log.

More about API logs

Flows → API Logs


Available on this plan:
Performance Plan
Growth Plan
Connect Plan
Your Plan:
Performance Plan
This feature is not available on your plan. Upgrade to the Connect plan for access.


Global settings can be applied to many features in CTM such as keyword spotting, lambdas, triggers and webhooks. Agency owners can use Global settings to clone features that they have created in one account to all accounts in their agency by simply configuring them in Global settings.


Keyword Spotting

Create a Keyword Spotting campaign and apply it across all or some of the accounts in your agency.

Flows → Global → Keyword Spotting Rules → Manage → New Keyword Spotting Rules

Tools for Success

Data can now be sent to a third party CRM by configuring one trigger and one webhook through the Global settings, applying the trigger and webhook to all or a select few of the accounts in the agency.

Flows → Global → Trigger → Manage → New Trigger

Flows → Global → Webhook → Manage → New Webhook