
CTM Blog

The New Google Analytics: How to Set Up Events in GA4
Learn how to set up events in GA4 and take advantage of Google’s new found approach to flexibility and putting marketer’s in control of their measurement strategy.
by Chris Todd
Google Analytics Call Tracking: Close Your Data Gaps
Does your organization rely on phone calls for sales? If your business has customers who call before they buy, then…
by CallTrackingMetrics
Preparing for the Difference Between GA4 and Universal Analytics
Need to track online activity? Chances are you’re using Google Analytics to do it. It’s free. It’s powerful. And it’s…
by Chris Todd
How to Measure SEO Success
How do you know your SEO is working? Set yourself up for success by monitoring these metrics and using the right tools.
by Chris Todd
What is Call Scoring? (It’s Not Exactly Lead Scoring)
Call scoring is the process of assessing data from a phone call against a predefined set of performance standards and…
by CallTrackingMetrics
Analytics, Guides
How Call Tracking Data Helps Solve Sales-Marketing Misalignment
Download our guide, developed alongside MarketingDive, to discover how call tracking helps to improve marketing and sales alignment.
by Chris Todd
Analytics, Guides
Leveraging First Party Data in a Cookieless World
With third-party cookies quickly dropping out of favor, marketers can turn to the data that's actually been here the whole time.
by Chris Todd
Attribution, Analytics
The Complete Call Tracking Glossary
CallTrackingMetrics has been a leader in the call tracking industry for a long time, and we sometimes take for granted…
by Chris Todd
Attribution, Analytics, Lead Management
Why Lead and Conversion Scoring Can Add Value for Any Role
From traditional lead scoring to call scores and contextual tagging, discover why moving away from vanity metrics can help you optimize your customer journey across your organization.
by Chris Todd