
CTM Blog


No More Traditional PR! How to Build Your Brand in the Digital Age

Build a successful brand in the digital age with expert insights from BLASTmedia President Lindsey Groepper.
by CallTrackingMetrics
Strategy, Smart Route Podcast
No More Traditional PR! How to Build Your Brand in the Digital Age
Build a successful brand in the digital age with expert insights from BLASTmedia President Lindsey Groepper.
by CallTrackingMetrics
Strategy, Smart Route Podcast
More Leads, Better Data: AI For Lead Generation (Part 2)
Use AI in your lead generation strategy to attract quality leads, create magnetic content, and streamline your lead gen processes.
by CallTrackingMetrics
Strategy, Smart Route Podcast
More Leads, Better Data: AI For Lead Generation
Do you want more leads? Better data? A shortcut to great content? Find out why embracing AI technology in your lead generation strategy will benefit your business for years to come.
by CallTrackingMetrics
Strategy, Smart Route Podcast
Why Diverse C-Suites Make (A Lot) More Money
Did you know diverse leadership makes companies up to 30% more profitable? Learn why it pays to hire and promote diversely with Dr. V Boykin.
by CallTrackingMetrics
Smart Route Podcast
How 30 Minutes on LinkedIn Can Boost Your Brand & Business
Did you know that just 30 minutes on LinkedIn could transform your brand and business? Discover tried-and-true strategies for attracting new clients, growing your brand, and uncovering opportunities on the world’s largest professional networking platform from LinkedIn expert and brand coach Liam Darmody.
by Hannah Hanover
Smart Route Podcast
“Show Me the Receipts”: Getting Your Brand Mission, Vision, and Values Right for 2024
Is your brand living up to its promises? Today’s customers crave realness - and they reward brands that deliver. Discover how redefining your brand mission, vision, and values can help you succeed in 2024.
by Hannah Hanover
Smart Route Podcast
What We Get Wrong About Google Ads, Analytics, and AI
Find out why spending less on Google Ads is a bad idea, how unsexy brands build customer loyalty, and how AI will make human creativity more valuable in this conversation with Kasim Aslam.
by Hannah Hanover
Smart Route Podcast
The Rise of SaaS Marketplaces
Why be just a software when you can be a whole platform? Online marketplaces, where companies showcase products, partnerships, integrations, and services (think Etsy and Salesforce), are proven to drive customer retention and product value. Discover how marketplaces can give your customers a more comprehensive, buildable, and personalized experience in our newest episode of Smart Route.
by Hannah Hanover
Smart Route Podcast
Is AI Going to Steal My Job?
Goldman Sachs estimates that AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs. But before you panic, join AI enthusiast and Social Strategy Director, Jeff MacDonald, as he explores how AI will change the way we do our jobs and may actually help us be more human—not less.
by Hannah Hanover