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Is the new Connect Plan truly a disruptive software?

by CallTrackingMetrics

Our team has participated in quite a few industry events and conferences focused on contact centers and enterprise-level phone systems. At these events, we’ve fielded questions on how our software can serve this fast-growing type of customer. So, for the latest installment of our new “Ask an Expert” series, I sat down with Account Executive Mark Nugent to get an in-depth perspective about the new CallTrackingMetrics Sales Engage Plan.

While we’ve been a main player in the call attribution and call tracking space for nearly a decade, our new Connect Plan features developments in our software that focus more on call management, call automation, and advanced call routing technology. These incredible features actually transform our software into a complete cloud infrastructure that can entirely replace and revolutionize any size phone system.

Mark, you’ve been in the telecom industry for decades. What’s your take on our contact center technology – what sets CallTrackingMetrics apart from the pack?

The Connect Center Plan allows businesses to track inbound and outbound calls without overpaying for misleading “unlimited plans” that are subject to “fair usage policies.”

The facts is, unlimited plans are often not unlimited at all and are at least misleading. An example of this would be if you are paying $30 per month, per user for an extension, and using an average of 400 minutes per month (which is typical for an extension user). In that example, you actually end up paying more 13 cents per minute. Under these “unlimited plans” in hosted PBX, or cloud contact centers, you often cannot “pool” minutes together over a group of users.

CallTrackingMetrics is disruptive in the market place against these “unlimited” competitors, in that we offer more features and you pay for only what you use at an extremely competitive rate — and without an annual contract. By providing our customers with this flexibility, we are creating a much better value and working harder to keep you as a customer by not requiring a contract.

Our pricing model is different from a traditional contact center. How do you explain our pricing to those in the marketplace?

Since you pay for only what you use — numbers, minutes, texts, transcriptions — and are not charged for per user/agent cost and not charged per line, CallTrackingMetrics’ price structure is extremely favorable in comparison to competitors. CallTrackingMetrics has a base software subscription with unlimited users and pay for only what you use.

I recently reviewed a competitor bill, here are the details:

  • 21 call center agents (marketed as an unlimited package)
  • One call queue
  • Four toll-free numbers
  • 5,600 minutes per month
  • Call recording

Competitor cost: $1,190 per month

CallTrackingMetrics cost: $591.00 per month

Oh, and guess what? CallTrackingMetrics is also able to provide keyword spotting, text messaging, GeoRouting, and smart routing — all things the competition does not have.

Can traditional contact centers expect to save money by using CallTrackingMetrics?

Call centers can not only save money with CallTrackingMetrics as the example provided, but they can reduce cost in overall staffing by increasing the performance of the agents with smart routing and GeoRouting by reducing repeat calls and triggering workflows through keyword spotting. All of these features can work together to create a phenomenal customer experience.

Does CallTrackingMetrics support SIP phones, or what do you recommend for those companies who have invested heavily in a phone system?

CallTrackingMetrics has a full-featured softphone that can be customized to the requirements of the individual contact center. Our Softphone is highly flexible and comes included as part of the platform provided.

While other companies have hardware that is often depreciated over time, there is no reason to continue this cycle of purchasing hardware, depreciation, replace, and so on. Our Softphone will exceed the feature and functionality of any hardware system on the market. And because we are constantly upgrading the Softphone application there is no end to its life value!